Design Graphics and Shapes in Windows Mobile App

Design Graphics (display circle , square , rectangle etc) Application in windows mobile.

Description: The following program shows the   implementation of graphic displays (for eg displaying shapes like circle , square , rectangle etc) This program displays 2D graphical shapes . Each tab consists of the shape name.
On click of the tab button the shape is selected and when the draw button is clicked that shape is drawn on the screen.

Events Used:
Img changed() – This event changes the image in scroll pane by the change of image dropdown list.
btn_text_click() – To select when the userwants to draw a text on screen.
buttotn_ellipse_rectangle_click() – To select when the user wants to draw ellipse and rectangle on screen.
Curve_polygon_click() – To select when user wants to draw a line on the screen.
btn_fill_check() – To fill a shape on screen.
Methods Used:
DrawString() – This method draws a text on screen.
Drawlt() – This method draws ellipse and rectangle.
Curves() – This method draws a curve.
Lines() – This method is used to draw a line.
fill_shapes() – This method is used to fill color in shapes.
