Simple Calculator App for Windows

Simple Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction and Division operators on Windows mobile.

Description:  The following program demonstrates simple number addition ,multiplication,subtraction and division operations(a+b=c ,a*b=c,  a-b=c   ,a/b=c)

Events used:

Add_click() = Performs addition .

Sub_click() = Performs Subtraction .

Mul_click() = Performs multiplication.

Div_click() = Performs division.

Clear_click() = Clear all values.

Equal_click() = equates the operation gives result.

On click of each button an event is fired , the sign of operation is displayed in the label lbl_sign for the operation toperform and then performs the desired arithmetic operation(for eg. + , -, * , /)

The using keyword states that the program is using the names in the given namespace , ‘using system’.
The namespace keyword is used to declare a scope ‘namespace pract1’ is used in this practical.

Namespace used:

System – The System namespace contains fundamental classes and base classes reference datatypes , events and event handlers, interface, attributes and processing exceptions also providing encapsulation math etc.

System.Linq – The namespace provides classes interface that support queries that use Long Integrated Query (LINQ).
