Design a 4 bit binary counter.

Design a 4 bit binary counter.

Description: Digital counters count upwards from zero to some pre-determined count value on the application of a clock signal.
once the counter back to zero to start again.

Counters can be used to increment binary numbers(count++)

Types of counter
1 Synchronous counter: Common clock pulse for all Flip Flops.

2 Ripple counter: Output of each flip flop triggers other flip flops

 The counter has the following input pins.

1 Reset: When high resets the counter data out to "0000".

2 Updown: The counter decides whether the counter counts up or down.

3 Load: It makes the counter count from the 4 bit input.

4 Datain: The counter has a 4 bit input count.

5 Dataout: The counter has a 4 bit Dataout to reflect the count.

6 The count has to be sent to the LED and displayed as shown in hexadecimal format or LED blinks.
