Interfacing with EEPROM using I2c BUS.

Interfacing with EEPROM using I2c BUS.

Description: EEPROM is a user modifiable ROM which can be removed and reprogrammed frequently through the application of higher than normal electrical voltage.

An EEPROM is a kind of non-volatile memory used in electronic devices.
12C bus uses two bidirectional open drain lines such as SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCI (Serial clock lines) and these are pulled up with resistors 12C bus permits a master device to start communication with a slave device.

Data is integrated between these two devices.
If we want to Read Write and Erase EEPROM by using I2C bus in 8057 interfacing of I2 Bus-EEPROM with 8051 microcontroller.

The operation of this interfacing is to send a signal like WRITE , followed by data and address bus.
In this operation EEPROM is used to store the data . 
