Implementing gsl matrices and vectors

Aim: Implementing gsl matrices and vectors

a.     Illustration of gsl Matrix multiplication
b.     Illustration of gsl vector with database query embedded

Matrices are defined by a gsl_matrix structure which describes a generalized slice of a block. Like a vector it represents a set of elements in an area of memory, but uses two indices instead of one.
The gsl_matrix structure contains six components, the two dimensions of the matrix, a physical dimension, a pointer to the memory where the elements of the matrix are stored, data, a pointer to the block owned by the matrix block, if any, and an ownership flag, owner. The physical dimension determines the memory layout and can differ from the matrix dimension to allow the use of submatrices.
Function: int gsl_matrix_mul_elements (gsl_matrix * a, const gsl_matrix * b)
This function multiplies the elements of matrix a by the elements of matrix b, a'(i,j) = a(i,j) * b(i,j). The two matrices must have the same dimensions.

Vectors are defined by a gsl_vector structure which describes a slice of a block. Different vectors can be created which point to the same block. A vector slice is a set of equally-spaced elements of an area of memory.
The gsl_vector structure contains five components, the size, the stride, a pointer to the memory where the elements are stored, data, a pointer to the block owned by the vector, block, if any, and an ownership flag, owner.
