Perform Review

Perform Review

A review is a systematic examination of a document by one or more people with the main aim of finding and removing errors early in the software development life cycle. Reviews are used to verify documents such as requirements, system designs, code, test plans and test cases.

Reviews are usually performed manually while static analysis of the tools is performed using tools.

Types of Reviews :
1. At the lowest level of formality (and, usually, defect removal effectiveness), we find the
informal review. This can be as simple as two people, the author and a colleague, discussing a design document over the phone.

2. Technical reviews are more formalized, but still not highly formal.

3. Walk-throughs are reviews where the author is the moderator and the item under review
itself is the agenda. That is, the author leads the review, and in the review, the reviewers go
section by section through the item under review.

4. Inspections are the most formalized reviews. The roles are well defined. Managers may not attend. The author may be neither moderator nor secretary. A reader is typically involved.
